Thread: God's Wrath
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Old 06-18-05, 05:53 PM   #1
Crazy Hades
Just searching.
Posts: 6,015
God's Wrath


A star's glow reflected, the twinkle in the eyes of his greed,
shattered lust, through the dust, of the age Made of Need.
The angels swift, wild call, a white ball descends.... humble.
Nothing but the sure strut...a bright, vivid canopy of jungles.
A rumble.... caused trees to fumble their dying, sad children.
Solace sought, all thoughts were then lost in the wild winds.
Plump clouds of precipitation, ready to wash all cruel nations,
Collections a mystery, to fulfill a legend, history in the making.
Tears of the Kingdom, watching from the large, broad firmament,
for the perfect race created, just self-destruction by the turn of it.
The water stripping, and the ripping sea, the tides laced with bark.
The stars wink.... the light casts glows over the wood of the ark.
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