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Old 06-20-05, 03:45 AM   #15
Banned: Cheating
Posts: 73

Originally Posted by Socrates
Fuck that, I don't care about the feelings of bunnies. If they mistreat them everybody starts an uprising so they don't sell "bunnies" anymore, but nobody cares about other shit. If two people stood on opposite sides of the street, one with a sign saying "Wet Seal Tortures Bunnies! (come sign a petition to stop it!)" and the other one saying "Children Starve In Africa! (come sign a petition to stop it)" who would get more people? I mean, fucked up shit like this happens to HUMANS in places all over, like you said, but you never said "OMG imma go beat their ass!" about that. Faggots in PETA need to get their priorities striaght and start eating meat like God intended.

dont tell me that, i'd actually sign the children petition, and I aint just saying that, BUT, the thing is, as of now this is a video of animals, hence why I said I would beat the guys torturing the animals, while when i see those vids on tv of the kids in 3rd world countries it also pisses me off, our govermants do try to help but they can do so much more, I often express this in most of my poems, that does make me mad also, aight, but this wasnt bout that, this was a video of animals, and yes it does make me mad that people would care more about animals, but animals are living creatures too, mamills just like us, you know you watch movies and when a guy dies people like wt/v but when an animal dies they all crying, ya that pisses me off bout people, but all I am saying soc, and I DO get your point, all im saying is if you watched that video, and forget all the other shit just look at the cruelty done tot that animal fuck everything else for now, if you watch that, it has to make you mad..
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