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Old 06-24-05, 12:19 AM   #5
Peace, Love, Unity
Posts: 5,455

The Capture

Covering myself in the jungle... I'm feeling concealed,
Famished beyond belief... My bodies really needing a meal,
Rationed out the food while this whole thing seeming surreal,
Has eaten at my thoughts, hoping that this feeling with heal,
Crawling slowly out of the forest, whats that I see in the field?
My loose grip changes and all of a sudden I'm squeezing the steel,
Breathing then kneel as this recon has turned into a sabotage,
Standing helpless in a field, bullet zips through my camoflauge,
Began to pause... Unbutton my shirt to see the damage caused,
Yell for a medic... he rushes and starts grabbing gauze,
Covers the wound... Two last soldiers looking with nothing to say,
Me unable to move and lay helplessly... And hes running away,
Surrounded... Paranoid because they may attack,
A single gun butt to the head and it fades to black...

The Interrogation

Awaken to a bright light... Mumble as I'm asking the place,
Only see figures of humans, the rays are masking their face,
Hear a foreign accent speaking English, though I didn't reply,
See a lighter spark and catch a glimpse of the enemies eye,
Asking questions I'm unable answer......... The anger builds,
I lit cigarette shoved into my arm, open wound in which ashes fill,
Elbows too the face... Later untied... thrown in a cell,
Thinking deeply about my life and how its going to hell,
Begin to think about my family... My son... 3 months of age,
Who i've only see when he was born, then I was shipped away,
My wife whos love for me is unbreakable... and vice versa,
Wonder if they send a search party, and if my lifes worth a,
Dime... Take the time from the army to try to save my life,
Captured by the enemy... All my sins.. I've paid the price...

The Last Hope

2 months later I lay helpless... next to a tray of food,
Been fed... but never the less it won't change the mood,
Wondering if they're coming... But I'm saving my breath,
The more torture i recieve the more I'm praying for death,
My last hope is my allies, who don't know my whereabouts,
Or If I'm alive at all... this little window I'm starin out,
Into the jungle... Its almost sunset and no sign of help,
Tried to be a man throughout the months, but Ive cried myself,
I look through the doors window to see men playing cards,
Living their lives... I wish soldiers were saving ours,
Spend weeks upon weeks........ They've been making scars,
They lay the cards down... Walk in and start staring hard,
The sun sets... Shines through the window... Its daytime...
They put a gun to my head... Hopes disapeared... Like Fading stars...

If you didn't realize the Fading stars is brought into the story as his last hope... I diddn't really put it in there all too well but i just wrote this tonight in like 30 minutes.... But oh well.... And yes... I know its long

88 miles per hour should do it.