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Old 06-24-05, 09:57 PM   #38
Ms. Get Gully
Ms. Get Gully
Posts: 1,631
From: Fl

Originally Posted by Mimesis
Like the Femcee doesnt have dickriding too?


But I can guarantee people will get recognition for doing shit noticeable. There shouldn't be an award just so people can feel cool cause they can't win any of the other awards.

Why isn't there a 'Crew Leader' award? Because that would be gay as fuck for giving people an award when they didn't necessarily earn anything.

Get better and then you'll win other awards. Making awards to seperate people and to give a different criteria for what can be considered good is fucking gay.

there are far too many Men on this site to even give 1 damn award to a female and u know that ...stop saying that get better shit because every damn month its like the same damn people win no matter what...and i still must question WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU WORRIED ABOUT ONE DAMN AWARD. just because its an award that you couldnt win?....every award show or any awards givin on any site has it split up..if they dont have any active females then they dont do it..but if they do they will do it...until rv stops acting GAY in a whole..stops dick riding then nothing should be deleted when its not harming the site.keep the shit..what you need to make a thread about is getting rid of bull shit ..and faggots that bite. instead of keeping them here and letting them come worried about the wrong shit for this board right now..some shit that isnt going to make RV any better..or any drop it and leave it how it is. if ya get rid of the femcee award ya might as well rid the Emcee award as well..because i'll get tired of see'n the same names win everytime and see'n the same sex win everytime..admit dont even pay attention to half the females on this board as much as you do males ...females dont even come to mind for you to even think about getting your vote unless its a femcee award vote... my thoughts and comments are done....whatever they decide to do with it i dont care..i dont like none of the awards because they are all biased about them..if u got haters u get no votes..if you got dick'll have plenty votes hung in ya sig..and thats truth..because its some ill niggas on this site that have yet to get an award due to hate/beef. nuff said on my behalf.
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