Thread: Illest lines
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Old 06-25-05, 03:25 AM   #84
Posts: 1,039

"Put your brains all over the floor so you can share your thoughts"
Jada, back in 98...that shit was illllllllll

"Back in the days, we was slaves, whips and chains/Now its tradition, all I got whips and chains"
Cam, on the same song with Jada

"Only way I see time behind bars, is if its a Cardier"
Fab, on that track also...

Fantastic Four 2 was ill.

"No kids, but I'll show you how to raise a gun"
"Young niggas who blast for me, no religion"
"I bare arms like short sleeves"
"I keep 1 eye open like CBS"
"...2 many niggas ride mines, so I change styles every 2 rhymes"
"Murder is a slow process, but I got time"
Damn, and niggas always wanna talk about the lines he borrowed, Jiggas a beast...
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