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Old 06-25-05, 12:21 PM   #28
Nynth Degree
In ya area.
Posts: 1,479

It's just dick-dicks whined and cried about this league getting resurrected again, and when it finally did they didn't bother to check in/drop on time. That's what they get for bitching about this, and letting it slide will only lead to more pm's like "Yo 9th I'm real sorry I didn't post in time I was on a safari plz let me drop late just this one time I promise and you let me do it before."

So all I have to say is better luck next week kids.
If you consider 4/20 a holiday, you probably smoke more crack than weed.
Originally Posted by C.A.L.I
ninth your a fucking idiot and im purposly spelling your name wrong...

PS, no Sony.