Thread: Worst accident
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Old 06-28-05, 08:35 PM   #2
Middle Weight
Posts: 1,381

i always cary my butterfly knife wit me n i was showin it to my firned in his room. n i was tryin to teach him how to get fancy when u flip it around. so he learns how ti flip it n hes like look at me im mexican esse its a stick up. n he starts swingin the knife around in his hand. so he says what u wana fuck wit me esse?. n he goes to swing the blade forward but it hits his leg and sticks into it n he was bleedin like crazy n then his mom came up n he had to sit down to hide all the blood comin out it was crazy.

but worst accident i ever had was in a fight a kid hit me int he face wit numbchux(howeva u spell it)
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