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Old 06-30-05, 02:41 PM   #134
Middle Weight
Posts: 1,381

please ill gramatix ur not in any fuckin military intelligance u still a brokeass bitch n my house got more fuckin rooms in it than urs has square feet so get the fuck outa here wit ur poor ass, nobody gives a shit how big r houses r. if u so smart they wouldnt have sent u to iraq they sent u there casue ur EXPENDABLE that means ur not worth shit jus like ur bank account. n i dont think i said nigger to u i believe my exact words were u r a broke black ass bitch. yeah that was it. haha military intelligence no wonder why we losin the war haha. only way ur car cost 40 grand is if food stamps could b exchanged at the car dealers bitch. haha please, comin at me wit a military salary man all that sand and heat musta fucked wit ur brain.
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