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Old 06-30-05, 10:16 PM   #5
ready 4 wuteva
.:F.ate:.'s Avatar
Posts: 344
From: da 704

words of depth and conception spill from me on the contact
of me- a pen, some paper, creators and whatever thoughts ones mind has
the genius of millions, maybe even trillions who dare to dream;
who believe, feel, and imagine things both seen and unseen
are compelled to come to life through the roots of my being
the ink of my soul pours forth with undescribable passion
as long as people are able to imagine my purpose is everlasting
people's passionate poetry comes forth perpetually, almost at will
creative intelect resounds intimately to the point i cant stand still
i am the heart and soul of a lyricist, the craftsmans' tool, a simple pen
i am the reason niggas like tupac still speak though his life is at end
i am the soul reason that hip hop as a whole still survives
and as long as i can be used the spirit of emcees will never die
do i need a fuckin sig?