Thread: Racism
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Old 07-02-05, 12:00 PM   #8
Odi et Amo
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Posts: 3,675
From: Alosta City

Exactly, the other day I had a discussion with someone who claimed "white girls can't dance". I told him it was a racist thing to say and he kept on saying it wasn't, that he was stating a fact which he later called "just an opinion". But if a white person would start a thread claiming: "Black people can't....", the person would get attacked by several black people yelling: racism! racism! racism!

I understand how they are sensitive about it but it's even more than a two-way thing, also Hispanic people, Chinese people are called names such as spic and chink which are as insulting as the n-word or cracka...

Racism exists towards every race, black people are just more sensitive about it due to past situations (cfr. slavery, KKK...). But it's certainly not only something blacks experience.

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