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Old 07-09-05, 03:54 PM   #30
See Sic
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Posts: 15

Originally Posted by Drakel
why would you even post shit up if you weren't looking for others opinions?

dude, you are straight whack, devoting yourself solely to graphics....when its not even a great career if you pursue it

seriously, making graphics on the net, and not even being able to take criticism, you are pathetic're probly some 13 year old, who has nothing better to do but piddle around in photoshop

grow up man, you're pic sucked, and stop whining about d/r.......cause you're getting nothing but from RB folk

Actually I am 16 and you're probably some 30 year old who still lives with his parents. Whoever said I devoted myself to graphics? I don't recall saying that maybe if you pulled your thumb out of your mother's asshole you would realize you have no clue on what you are saying. Yeah my picture did suck I don't care apparently you have trouble reading things when I said I DIDN'T TRY. Oh well I am done arguing with you and I never said there were d/r in this battle I just said in most of the other battles there were, get your facts straight before you start running your mouth with your gay ass bowser sig.

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