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Old 07-10-05, 04:42 AM   #2
Posts: 6,909
From: Chicago, IL

Mimesis Sunday July 10th

HpednI [1:08 A.M.]: Waddup Mimemsis!
uhhwhatupb [1:08 A.M.]: Wassup homie.
HpednI [1:08 A.M.]: Is it ok to interveiw you if its no trouble?!
uhhwhatupb [1:08 A.M.]: Haha. Yeah, I'm game.
HpednI [1:08 A.M.]: Ok good gravy!
HpednI [1:09 A.M.]: Explain what started the beef?
uhhwhatupb [1:10 A.M.]: Ahh.. MarvJay.. He said something to me about me being wack and then wrote this peice of this OM.. And that pretty much sparked it..
HpednI [1:10 A.M.]: Lol that's mad simple...
uhhwhatupb [1:10 A.M.]: Yup. Fuck complexity yo.
HpednI [1:10 A.M.]: Do you think marv jay has any talent?
uhhwhatupb [1:11 A.M.]: Fuck no.
uhhwhatupb [1:11 A.M.]: Maybe in 2002.
HpednI [1:11 A.M.]: Really me either...(won't be in the interveiw)
HpednI [1:11 A.M.]: So do you plan showing a diss om or diss audio?
uhhwhatupb [1:12 A.M.]: Right now I got Doomsday helping me adjust some volume levels and shit for my audio.. I dont know when that shit will be up.. I got a few people down to drop a diss on om though. Shitll be dope.
HpednI [1:13 A.M.]: Oh don't fuck up or people(me) will clown you for havin good text and gay audio.
HpednI [1:13 A.M.]: oh ok I spose to blow it out a porportion hold on
uhhwhatupb [1:13 A.M.]: Lmfao.
HpednI [1:14 A.M.]: Is it true that you said everyone from queens is gay faggots?
HpednI [1:14 A.M.]: I have a pm to prove it
uhhwhatupb [1:14 A.M.]: Lmao. No you don't.
uhhwhatupb [1:14 A.M.]: I never said that shit.
uhhwhatupb [1:15 A.M.]: Even though Queens is used as a term for fags?
HpednI [1:15 A.M.]: Now he deny's it? Oh no are you afraid marv?
HpednI [1:15 A.M.]: See he admits it!
HpednI [1:15 A.M.]: Are you homophobic?
HpednI [1:15 A.M.]: You used the term fag so easily
uhhwhatupb [1:15 A.M.]: Fuck yes I'm homophobic
uhhwhatupb [1:15 A.M.]: I could never like another nut sack in my face.
uhhwhatupb [1:15 A.M.]: Fuck that shit.
HpednI [1:16 A.M.]: Is it true you wish the Q would get hanged and beatin for his beliefs?I have a photo of a Klan tatoo on your left bicep
uhhwhatupb [1:16 A.M.]: Lmfao. Nah, Q can be a pretty cool dude.
uhhwhatupb [1:16 A.M.]: I just dont like the gayness at all.
HpednI [1:17 A.M.]: So is your beef with marv jay subliminaly caused by your hate for gays?Since he's from queens which supports the title of homo sexual nature?
HpednI [1:18 A.M.]: Is it!
HpednI [1:18 A.M.]: Do not take long you will find it out soon enough
uhhwhatupb [1:18 A.M.]: Haha. Nah.. Dude just pisses me off acting all cocky and shit when I saw those same concepts that he uses in 2003. Everything he has is old as fuck.
uhhwhatupb [1:19 A.M.]: ..and forced to shit.
HpednI [1:19 A.M.]: Hmm so is it his overly used concepts?MY sources tell me you have an eminem buddy icon
uhhwhatupb [1:19 A.M.]: Lmfao.
uhhwhatupb [1:19 A.M.]: Ive had that since 8th grade dude
HpednI [1:19 A.M.]: A publicaly known homo phobe
HpednI [1:19 A.M.]: So this hatred date backs to childhood?
uhhwhatupb [1:19 A.M.]: Wheres a site where there are some more shits at?
uhhwhatupb [1:20 A.M.]: What?
uhhwhatupb [1:20 A.M.]: L
uhhwhatupb [1:20 A.M.]: Wooo. But yo, childhood?
HpednI [1:20 A.M.]: where's the site u can go stick fags?
HpednI [1:20 A.M.]: MY GOD!
uhhwhatupb [1:20 A.M.]: Roflz. wtf
HpednI [1:20 A.M.]: You can only hear it here on the media
uhhwhatupb [1:20 A.M.]: Nah, where I can get more buddy icons
HpednI [1:20 A.M.]: Memisis A well known racist
uhhwhatupb [1:20 A.M.]: What?
HpednI [1:21 A.M.]:
uhhwhatupb [1:21 A.M.]: word.
uhhwhatupb [1:21 A.M.]: But nah, Im not a racist, I dont have hatred dating back to childhood, and I dont like sticks or whatever the fuck you was talking about
uhhwhatupb [1:21 A.M.]: 'chea.
HpednI [1:22 A.M.]: Is it true you've loosly called Black people "niggers"! I have evidence.And the fact marv jay carries a black man in his sig must boil your blood.You also have stated that you hate rappers in sigs.Maybe its because most rappers are black and you hate seeing there dark disgusting faces?Am I right?!
HpednI [1:23 A.M.]: Answer quick!
HpednI [1:23 A.M.]: tick tick tick
HpednI [1:23 A.M.]: tiems up
HpednI [1:23 A.M.]: you racist!
HpednI [1:23 A.M.]: =-O
uhhwhatupb [1:23 A.M.]: Rofl.
uhhwhatupb [1:23 A.M.]: That was a huge ass IM yo.
uhhwhatupb [1:23 A.M.]: But here's my response..
uhhwhatupb [1:24 A.M.]: I've said "nigger." Rofl @ his sig. That shit doesn't bother me at all. I like black rappers if they have talent.
uhhwhatupb [1:24 A.M.]: Word.
uhhwhatupb [1:24 A.M.]: I don't say "nigger" loosely though.. Just when the race card is pulled by somebody else.
HpednI [1:25 A.M.]: So wait.If anyone brings up race in a conversation.Like if I say happy black history month you'll be like "NIGGER!!!".Its true you just said it
HpednI [1:25 A.M.]: *shows people through IM*
uhhwhatupb [1:25 A.M.]: Haha. You're a crazy motherfucker yo, but nah, that's not what I meant by race card.
uhhwhatupb [1:26 A.M.]: You know the type of shit I'm talking about.
HpednI [1:26 A.M.]: yeah I get you
HpednI [1:27 A.M.]: But I'm just gonna tell you.Black and white peopel are alike.Blacks have idiots and whites have idiots.The only difference is white's control media.So blacks always felt like a guest in the country so that kinda leads to us being bitter in some cases.Not justifying anything just saying.And There has been 5 KKK members join RV.
uhhwhatupb [1:28 A.M.]: Thanks for that peice of info.
uhhwhatupb [1:28 A.M.]: Who were the 5 KKK members though?
HpednI [1:28 A.M.]: Remember there was arian and a group of peeps rockin a boys in the hood sig with a KKK member on a horse
HpednI [1:29 A.M.]: you remember that right?
uhhwhatupb [1:29 A.M.]: I have no idea what you're talking about, but continue.
HpednI [1:31 A.M.]: Yeah it all just leads to support.We barely have a voice in the country.Rap music is cosntantly insulted.Rap music used to be our voice.That also sparked the reason why some blacks hated eminem.He's like elvis.Elvis made black music but got more successful then blacks.Eminem did black music and got more successful.And with the release of the mixtape where he said "My ex girl was black I don't play that nigger shit,she got a big ass I just came to make a bigger hit".And the fact the media didn't blow it up.
uhhwhatupb [1:33 A.M.]: Damn dude. You type a lot. Sticking to like, a few words is the name of the game yo. But uhh.. I'm not sure what you're expecting me to say..
uhhwhatupb [1:33 A.M.]: So.. cool.
HpednI [1:33 A.M.]: Now back to your racism and homophobia
HpednI [1:33 A.M.]: what tics you off about gays?
uhhwhatupb [1:34 A.M.]: Lmao.
uhhwhatupb [1:34 A.M.]: Knowing they like nut sacks
uhhwhatupb [1:34 A.M.]: That shit is just sick.
uhhwhatupb [1:34 A.M.]: Lesbians are hot though.
uhhwhatupb [1:34 A.M.]: Do that shit right in front of my face and I wont give a damn.
HpednI [1:34 A.M.]: Lol yeah then I guess you're no homophobe
HpednI [1:35 A.M.]: ^will not be included in the interveiw
HpednI [1:35 A.M.]:
HpednI [1:35 A.M.]: werd thats how the media go down
uhhwhatupb [1:35 A.M.]: Lmao. Word.
HpednI [1:36 A.M.]: *for your notification some contents of the conversation will be edited*
uhhwhatupb [1:36 A.M.]: You best not be like..
uhhwhatupb [1:36 A.M.]: editing my shit to make me look gay
uhhwhatupb [1:36 A.M.]: fa real
HpednI [1:36 A.M.]: Lol....
uhhwhatupb [1:36 A.M.]: or ill be forced to make you holla at fish nips
HpednI [1:37 A.M.]: question
HpednI [1:37 A.M.]: Am I sexy?8-)
uhhwhatupb [1:37 A.M.]: Of course yo. That shit is a given.
HpednI [1:37 A.M.]: Fag...
HpednI [1:37 A.M.]: the end
HpednI [1:37 A.M.]: werd
uhhwhatupb [1:37 A.M.]: Lmao. Word.
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