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Old 07-10-05, 08:28 PM   #4
Posts: 6,909
From: Chicago, IL

SPuL aka Reckless Sunday July 10th 2005

HpednI [4:54 P.M.]: Waddup SpuL
Mo2v8ed4life [4:54 P.M.]: yo nigga roach
HpednI [4:54 P.M.]: I'm shocked you said Nigga....Beign arabian do you consider yourself a black man?
Mo2v8ed4life [4:55 P.M.]: Nah, I ain't arabian, yo. don't be frontin' wit me like that
HpednI [4:55 P.M.]: but wait
Mo2v8ed4life [4:55 P.M.]: and yea, i'm part black,
HpednI [4:55 P.M.]: PART?
HpednI [4:55 P.M.]: part as in 5 percent?
Mo2v8ed4life [4:55 P.M.]: yes, I never said I was full homo G
HpednI [4:55 P.M.]: so you shouldn't say nigga u\ should say ni
HpednI [4:55 P.M.]: and just end it
Mo2v8ed4life [4:55 P.M.]: lmao
Mo2v8ed4life [4:56 P.M.]: fuck that, Fat Joe ain't even black and he says it all the time, so if I'm part, I got the right to say it ~_~
HpednI [4:56 P.M.]: fat joe is constantly jumped in chicago....

and oh I need to know who's your favorite rapper?
Mo2v8ed4life [4:56 P.M.]: Cassidy
HpednI [4:56 P.M.]: Cassidy?1st banks...then cassidy.
Who do you think your favorite rapper will be tommorow?
Mo2v8ed4life [4:56 P.M.]: oh, and Eminem too
Mo2v8ed4life [4:57 P.M.]: nah, actually Eminem has always been my favorite. It's jus I like a different rapper for each mood yo
Mo2v8ed4life [4:57 P.M.]: like I don't jus have one rapper I always listen too
HpednI [4:57 P.M.]: there's been alot of talk of you being a commercial rapper
Mo2v8ed4life [4:57 P.M.]: has there? ~_~
HpednI [4:59 P.M.]: yes we have proof of a one two step remix and now a caught up remix with Triple N.If you had the voice for it would you do R&b?
Mo2v8ed4life [4:59 P.M.]: actually I wouldn't mind doin' that. But i'd do both the rap and that.
HpednI [4:59 P.M.]: so in the hiphop dictionary which I'm reading now R&B rappers are called "pussies" are you a pussy?
HpednI [4:59 P.M.]: answeR!
Mo2v8ed4life [5:00 P.M.]: no, I am not ~_~
Mo2v8ed4life [5:00 P.M.]: cuz I don't do R & B yo
Mo2v8ed4life [5:00 P.M.]: i said i would if I had voice to do it MAYBE, but I don't so, it don't matter
HpednI [5:01 P.M.]: Hmmm,I have to ask you...
Mo2v8ed4life [5:01 P.M.]: yes?
Mo2v8ed4life [5:01 P.M.]: does it have anything with fuckin' your 14 yr old cousin?
HpednI [5:01 P.M.]: Are you jealous of your brother?You play plenty of jokes on him and you took advantage of his sensitive ankles in the GIF of you crossing him over in basketball.
HpednI [5:01 P.M.]: There it goes!
HpednI [5:01 P.M.]: Are you attracted to younger people more so?
Mo2v8ed4life [5:01 P.M.]: ok, which question should I answer?
HpednI [5:02 P.M.]: both
HpednI [5:02 P.M.]: there the same
Mo2v8ed4life [5:02 P.M.]: lmao
Mo2v8ed4life [5:02 P.M.]: ok for first one
Mo2v8ed4life [5:02 P.M.]: nah, I ain't jealous of him, he a cool dude, and nah, I never played jokes on him. I jus am cool wit him, like most brothers are with their brothers. Don't think it's a sin to be cool with your lil bro yo
Mo2v8ed4life [5:03 P.M.]: and for second:
Mo2v8ed4life [5:03 P.M.]: you mean for girls, or for what?
HpednI [5:03 P.M.]: girls yes...
HpednI [5:03 P.M.]: wait!
HpednI [5:03 P.M.]: don't asnwer
HpednI [5:04 P.M.]: it all just comes together
HpednI [5:04 P.M.]: You've told me you like the trapped in the closet song
Mo2v8ed4life [5:04 P.M.]: lmao
HpednI [5:04 P.M.]: and r kelly is a pedaphile
HpednI [5:04 P.M.]: and now u say fuckin my 14 year old cousin
HpednI [5:04 P.M.]: OMG spul is a pedaphile!
Mo2v8ed4life [5:04 P.M.]: lmao
Mo2v8ed4life [5:04 P.M.]: dude 2 yrs, ain't bein' a pedofile yo
HpednI [5:04 P.M.]: what attracts you about young girls?
Mo2v8ed4life [5:05 P.M.]: maybe if she was like 11 or some shit like that
HpednI [5:05 P.M.]: do you think they have tighter private parts?
Mo2v8ed4life [5:05 P.M.]: lmao
HpednI [5:05 P.M.]: answer!
Mo2v8ed4life [5:05 P.M.]: nah, I like girls that are around my age yo. And i was jus jokin' about the cousin shit to piss you off, jus like that April shit yo ~_~
HpednI [5:06 P.M.]: Don't try to change the subject to my babys april yo
You might not just like girls..
HpednI [5:06 P.M.]: You seem to "jizz" on tizzle alot
HpednI [5:06 P.M.]: and thats a very popular fetish to cum on your lover
Mo2v8ed4life [5:07 P.M.]: well you notice how it seems to kill him?
Mo2v8ed4life [5:07 P.M.]: now if it was my lover
Mo2v8ed4life [5:07 P.M.]: i don't think I would kill him, now would I? ~_~
Mo2v8ed4life [5:07 P.M.]: cuz I mean, if you love somebody, you don't wanna kill them on that first night yo
HpednI [5:07 P.M.]: well..if you watch the new show "the insider" peopel find pleasure in causing pain
HpednI [5:07 P.M.]: you don't have to love them
HpednI [5:08 P.M.]: you can just have sexual tension
Mo2v8ed4life [5:08 P.M.]: watchin' people cause pain with sexual tension interests you?
Mo2v8ed4life [5:08 P.M.]: hmmmmmmm..........
HpednI [5:09 P.M.]: hmm i'm just wondering.Since you and your jizz "are like this SON!" you oviously masterbate at a very active rate.So whats ur favorite pornography genre?
Mo2v8ed4life [5:10 P.M.]: lmao
Mo2v8ed4life [5:10 P.M.]: you bein' interested in my private behhavior makes me think YOU are the one that is homosexual yo
HpednI [5:10 P.M.]: I'm not the one on trial
HpednI [5:10 P.M.]: answer the question
Mo2v8ed4life [5:11 P.M.]: i don't share that type of information with other guys yo
Mo2v8ed4life [5:11 P.M.]: that's gay
Mo2v8ed4life [5:11 P.M.]: wtf you wanna kno for? So you can IM me and be like "Yo man I'm goin' to that site you gave me, let's jack off together!!!"
Mo2v8ed4life [5:11 P.M.]: umm... sorry, yo. but I plead the 5th ~_~
HpednI [5:11 P.M.]: of course
HpednI [5:11 P.M.]: Now next question
Mo2v8ed4life [5:11 P.M.]: so you're gay?
Mo2v8ed4life [5:11 P.M.]:
HpednI [5:11 P.M.]: yes I am I'll talk to you about that later
HpednI [5:12 P.M.]: now next question
Mo2v8ed4life [5:12 P.M.]: wtf?
Mo2v8ed4life [5:12 P.M.]: end this interview now!!!
HpednI [5:12 P.M.]: you said u had an audio in the works
Mo2v8ed4life [5:12 P.M.]: go talk to Tha Q homo G!!!
Mo2v8ed4life [5:12 P.M.]: word I do ~_~
HpednI [5:12 P.M.]: explain it
Mo2v8ed4life [5:12 P.M.]: you mean the new song?
HpednI [5:12 P.M.]: ye
Mo2v8ed4life [5:13 P.M.]: it is a song wit calamity
Mo2v8ed4life [5:13 P.M.]: and it's like this yo :
Mo2v8ed4life [5:13 P.M.]: we have 3 beats, we each do 16 lines on one beat, then beat switches.
Mo2v8ed4life [5:13 P.M.]: 3 times
Mo2v8ed4life [5:13 P.M.]: so a total of 6 verses and no hooks basically
Mo2v8ed4life [5:13 P.M.]: gonna be some dope shit ~_~
Mo2v8ed4life [5:13 P.M.]: diamonds, B-boy Stance, and Survival of the fittest
Mo2v8ed4life [5:14 P.M.]:
HpednI [5:14 P.M.]: That seems familiar to the collab we were gonna you ditched me for calim dope.Are you threatened by my talent?
Mo2v8ed4life [5:15 P.M.]: no it's just you had a shitty mic yo. and I mean, I thought it'd be too much of a hassle to have to send you a 6 minute beat thru Dial up and then the quality shit fucks it up, and i'm tryin' to put this all on a mixtape, so I want good quality on all tracks ~_~
HpednI [5:16 P.M.]: oh ok now enough of my bitching
Mo2v8ed4life [5:16 P.M.]: but I ain't scared of your talent. I'm scared of your quality
Mo2v8ed4life [5:16 P.M.]: i feel the lil ring girl is gonna come out of my computer and eat me
Mo2v8ed4life [5:16 P.M.]: wit all the noise and shit
HpednI [5:16 P.M.]: fuck that topic,next subject and maybe the final since you're askin too much...
Mo2v8ed4life [5:17 P.M.]: lmao word ~_~
HpednI [5:17 P.M.]: Last Question whats the best song out right now?
Mo2v8ed4life [5:18 P.M.]: B-boy Stance ~_~
Mo2v8ed4life [5:18 P.M.]: as for current songs, not best all time ~_~
HpednI [5:18 P.M.]: thats' weird remember this

Mo2v8ed4life [2:18 A.M.]: that R kelly joint the hottest shit out
HpednI [5:18 P.M.]: the end
HpednI [5:18 P.M.]: interveiw over werd
HpednI [5:19 P.M.]: 8-)
Mo2v8ed4life [5:19 P.M.]: LMFAO
Mo2v8ed4life [5:19 P.M.]: lmao ~_~
Mo2v8ed4life [5:19 P.M.]: word
Mo2v8ed4life [5:19 P.M.]: lmao
Mo2v8ed4life [5:19 P.M.]: lmao
Mo2v8ed4life [5:19 P.M.]: lmao
Mo2v8ed4life [5:19 P.M.]: wow yo
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