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Old 07-10-05, 08:54 PM   #5
Posts: 6,909
From: Chicago, IL

Compose sunday July 10th 2005

HpednI [5:34 P.M.]: Hello Compose
HpednI [5:34 P.M.]: Would you mind an interveiw?
Bis711 [5:34 P.M.]: no
HpednI [5:34 P.M.]: Ok,now let me start off by asking when you will have audio on rapverse.
Bis711 [5:35 P.M.]: yes
Bis711 [5:35 P.M.]: lmfao
Bis711 [5:35 P.M.]: read it wrong
Bis711 [5:35 P.M.]: um idk
Bis711 [5:35 P.M.]: a week or 2 idk
HpednI [5:36 P.M.]: So you do you midn that your Solution partner "indeph" has started already while you sit down drinking siera mist and listening to voices of ghosts?
HpednI [5:36 P.M.]: DO YOU EVEN WANT TO RAP? or do you want to get some girl to like you?
HpednI [5:36 P.M.]: answer!!!
Bis711 [5:37 P.M.]: hmm...rap
Bis711 [5:37 P.M.]: never drank sierra msit before
Bis711 [5:37 P.M.]: mist*
HpednI [5:38 P.M.]: hmm....Can you name a title of one of the sogns you've done?
Bis711 [5:39 P.M.]: audio?
Bis711 [5:39 P.M.]: no
Bis711 [5:39 P.M.]: uh
Bis711 [5:39 P.M.]: i rather not disclose that information to you
HpednI [5:40 P.M.]: Is it because you don't wanna record around your mother?
Bis711 [5:41 P.M.]: u ever seen someone walk on a wall for real?
Bis711 [5:41 P.M.]: not like matrix like
Bis711 [5:41 P.M.]: =/
HpednI [5:42 P.M.]: OMG compose has Alseimers!
Bis711 [5:43 P.M.]: nah
Bis711 [5:43 P.M.]: i want some ice cream
Bis711 [5:43 P.M.]: and popcorn
Bis711 [5:43 P.M.]: not at the same time
Bis711 [5:43 P.M.]: or will i?

Bis711 [5:44 P.M.]: popcorn ice cream and ketchup
Bis711 [5:44 P.M.]: together
Bis711 [5:44 P.M.]: taste so good
Bis711 [5:44 P.M.]: it tastes like airplane rotors
HpednI [5:45 P.M.]: damn it its real hard to slander you when no one knows what the fuck ur talking about!
HpednI [5:45 P.M.]: you can't beat me!
Bis711 [5:45 P.M.]: cannot get me
Bis711 [5:45 P.M.]: for i am smarter
Bis711 [5:45 P.M.]: then...?
HpednI [5:45 P.M.]: Lol I got you i know i do
HpednI [5:46 P.M.]: now let's get to your problems with your mother
HpednI [5:46 P.M.]: what makes u so mad at her
HpednI [5:46 P.M.]: ?
Bis711 [5:46 P.M.]: no comment
HpednI [5:47 P.M.]: Well Is it true madn you talked with mics over aim yesterday?
Bis711 [5:47 P.M.]: wats madn
HpednI [5:47 P.M.]: its indeph for that
HpednI [5:48 P.M.]: do you not like me?
HpednI [5:48 P.M.]: do i annoy you?
HpednI [5:48 P.M.]: do I?
HpednI [5:48 P.M.]: Then why areu in a group with me?
HpednI [5:48 P.M.]: is it true you look up to socrates and 9th degree?
HpednI [5:48 P.M.]: am I not good enough?
HpednI [5:48 P.M.]: am I
HpednI [5:48 P.M.]: answer!
Bis711 [5:48 P.M.]: i like chocolate
Bis711 [5:48 P.M.]: i want donuts or cookies
Bis711 [5:48 P.M.]: or ice cream
Bis711 [5:48 P.M.]: but nothings here
HpednI [5:48 P.M.]: so u prefer blacks over ur own race?
Bis711 [5:48 P.M.]: except bread
HpednI [5:48 P.M.]: u don't like butter pecan?
Bis711 [5:48 P.M.]: maybe :-\
Bis711 [5:49 P.M.]: i heard someone on rv raped their turtle
Bis711 [5:49 P.M.]: and i know who it is...
Bis711 [5:49 P.M.]: he told me
HpednI [5:49 P.M.]: thats it i can't beat u
HpednI [5:49 P.M.]: itnerveiw over
HpednI [5:49 P.M.]: :'(
Bis711 [5:49 P.M.]:
HpednI [5:49 P.M.]: i'm still posting it
HpednI [5:49 P.M.]: its just I can't beat you
Bis711 [5:50 P.M.]: i kno...i have a transformer protecting me
HpednI [5:50 P.M.]: Lol i hate u ,u ruined my record
Bis711 [5:50 P.M.]: :-D
Bis711 [5:50 P.M.]: *flies*
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