Thread: 50 Bars
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Old 07-10-05, 10:43 PM   #11
Black Queen
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Posts: 1,183

''By looks of your skills, can tell, that them shits are just plain
And I’ll make you R.I.P. like the middle of my username
Boyz II Men came back & made a CD together, what’s up with that?
The album was called Throwback, more like it needs to be thrown back
Stay free styling like I always do, think you hot? Nah you’re just a liar
Fuck out of here, cause everyone knows that Jay-Z’s a biter
Just rapping on these beats, while ya’ll think that life’s a sport
But ya’ll admit that Jay-Z bit, then how come he didn’t go to court?''

that was mah fav part this was good you had a lotta truth in here you had nice punches and it was funny in some spots sometimes it feel off but overall ill give this a 8/10

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