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Old 07-11-05, 06:52 PM   #12
Middle Weight
Posts: 1,381

i think ghetto mentality is a lot different than street smarts. i think the first different is anybody can get a street smart education if u hang around the right ppl. but not everyone can get a ghetto mentality because u have to live that type of life to have it. for example, jus say a kid has a uncle in organized crime, he can learn street smarts from him, but he wont have a ghetto mentality because he wouldnt be able to live his life if he did. with a ghetto mentality if somebody disrespects u, usually u have to hit them back anyway possible by any means but the kid who leanred street smarts cant because of the type of life he has. of he hit somebody for disrespecting him everytime they did, hed be in jail within a few short months. the second difference is street smarts is more of how to go about things while ghetto mentality is a way of life, a code of rules and a specific way of thinking. i dont think u can mix a ghetto mentality with a civilized society driven life, but u can mix street smarts with a life in society.

jus my thoughts pc
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