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Old 07-12-05, 02:11 PM   #12
New to RV
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Posts: 75
From: Compton

Voted For: Pair-A-Docks

Damn, Both verses sucked ass!! The punchlines were barely there and no metas or similies in sight!

open: Docks [was below average but at least attempted a puncline]
close: Docks [a good comparison, not enough to be a metaphor in my book tho]
personals: Docks [he used his name and tried to reverse it into a punchline
metas: None
punches: Docks [he had about two punchlines, but Opt1k had none]
multis: None

Both could greatly improve and Opt1k, add punchlines, metaphors and a few personals in your verse instead of running off a lot fo bullshit.

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