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Old 07-12-05, 02:47 PM   #1
Grave Digger
Posts: 127
From: Canada
Fuck fucking cops, suck my fucking dick you police sons of bitches


Fucking arrested my dads nephew or my uncle or wt/v, he lost custody of his little girl (my cousin) to his wife who is in no way fit to be a mother and is a crazy sadistic whore who will never be the parent Bobby was, so he moves to Canada to get away from that stupid whore and takes his kid with him, (my cousin who he didnt have custody at the time.) Obviously that was illegal but he got across the border and brought the courtcase for custody to Canada. Now he loses again, he has no home and no job and was living with my dad. He was a really cool guy, and really nice yo, you know, he wasnt one of those criminal no place to go type guys, he was a good man. He just wanted to make some quick bucks, so he was gun-running with his cousin, simple, deliver the guns and get 20 grand, but the cops were on his cousin and arrested them, the court case is almost over, and I think Bobby is gonna get around 20 years, fuck those assholes, suck a dick you fucking police.
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