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Old 07-12-05, 06:29 PM   #7
Posts: 6,909
From: Chicago, IL

Drama Queen, July 12th 2005

HpednI [3:04 P.M.]: Hello Drama Queen
MsJessDramaQueen [3:04 P.M.]: hello Mr Interviewer
HpednI [3:05 P.M.]: that's baby to you.

OK let me start this off by asking what are your motives as an artist
MsJessDramaQueen [3:05 P.M.]: uhm I mainly write and rap and sing for myself, to express my feelings and thoughts on the world and stuff and like to share it with others =)
HpednI [3:06 P.M.]: thats so sexy! lol nah I'm playin,but are you trying to become a rapper as a career?
MsJessDramaQueen [3:07 P.M.]: nah, well it'd be good to be able to share my music with small amount of people but i'm realistic enough, i aint got image that'll sell=)
HpednI [3:07 P.M.]: So you believe image is everything?
MsJessDramaQueen [3:07 P.M.]: no but to really have rapping as a career, you have to sell...
MsJessDramaQueen [3:08 P.M.]: and in order to sell you have to have something that appeals to the public
HpednI [3:08 P.M.]: what If told you I have here something that will skyrocket your sells...
MsJessDramaQueen [3:08 P.M.]: lolz and that would be? hehe nah but I don't want it as career, it's just way of expressing myself
HpednI [3:09 P.M.]: I have a tape...of you and murdz in the most vurnerable state.
MsJessDramaQueen [3:09 P.M.]: well do you like it?
HpednI [3:09 P.M.]: >=o
HpednI [3:09 P.M.]: 50% of the tape
HpednI [3:09 P.M.]: but then he' comes in
MsJessDramaQueen [3:10 P.M.]: haha awwww well yeh had to get some action
HpednI [3:11 P.M.]: well I guess I understand that.Except for the whole hamster part I dunno what that was for...anyway next question
HpednI [3:11 P.M.]: How long do you want to be on rv
MsJessDramaQueen [3:11 P.M.]: I dunno, probably until I get bored off it and even then I'd come back probably
MsJessDramaQueen [3:11 P.M.]: but I'm going to college next year
HpednI [3:11 P.M.]: is it because I'm here?
MsJessDramaQueen [3:12 P.M.]: so internet access will be not as available so it'll decrease then
MsJessDramaQueen [3:12 P.M.]: hehe of course
MsJessDramaQueen [3:12 P.M.]: why else
HpednI [3:12 P.M.]: oh you're going to college?Thats sexier then the other thing
HpednI [3:12 P.M.]: What's your major
MsJessDramaQueen [3:13 P.M.]: communication
HpednI [3:14 P.M.]: oh I have no idea what that is =) so next question:
ITs time to badger you and fuck up your image
HpednI [3:14 P.M.]: nah I can't do that to you :-[
MsJessDramaQueen [3:14 P.M.]: awww you wussy
MsJessDramaQueen [3:14 P.M.]: be a man
HpednI [3:14 P.M.]: FINE!
MsJessDramaQueen [3:14 P.M.]: haha
MsJessDramaQueen [3:15 P.M.]: hell nah
MsJessDramaQueen [3:15 P.M.]: that's faggot-ish
HpednI [3:15 P.M.]: oh really?
HpednI [3:15 P.M.]: you say that with your right hand to god?
MsJessDramaQueen [3:15 P.M.]: uhm yes
MsJessDramaQueen [3:15 P.M.]: *worried*
HpednI [3:16 P.M.]: well have u ever said that line
"H to the izzo V to the izzay"
MsJessDramaQueen [3:16 P.M.]: no sir
HpednI [3:16 P.M.]: LIAR!
HpednI [3:17 P.M.]: [oringally posted by drama queen] H to the izzo V to the IZzay[/quote]
HpednI [3:17 P.M.]: >
MsJessDramaQueen [3:17 P.M.]: alright you caught me =(
MsJessDramaQueen [3:17 P.M.]: whats my punishment
HpednI [3:17 P.M.]: well its half punishment half reward
MsJessDramaQueen [3:17 P.M.]: oh tell me tell me
HpednI [3:17 P.M.]: remove your clothing
HpednI [3:18 P.M.]: *gets cuffs*
MsJessDramaQueen [3:18 P.M.]: *does as he tells her cause she's scared*
HpednI [3:18 P.M.]: now lay on the bed spread your arms and legs to four corners
MsJessDramaQueen [3:19 P.M.]: *gets even more scared but obeys*
HpednI [3:20 P.M.]: *cuffs arms and legs* Now you see that camera over there? That's gonna be on while this is in session.Now you're probably thinking I'm gonna have sex with you...but no.Tha's tommorow night.Today the one you're having sex with is....
HpednI [3:20 P.M.]: revelation
HpednI [3:20 P.M.]: but revelation has no penis
HpednI [3:20 P.M.]: so he will use this dildo =/
MsJessDramaQueen [3:20 P.M.]: haha you're a funnydude
HpednI [3:21 P.M.]: Lol i was serious but ok....

while ur tied up i might as well ask you questions
MsJessDramaQueen [3:21 P.M.]: yes sir
HpednI [3:21 P.M.]: What crew are you with now
MsJessDramaQueen [3:21 P.M.]: I'm in The Establishment and helping Livin Legendz out at same time
HpednI [3:22 P.M.]: Wait this just in...That's not cool =(
HpednI [3:22 P.M.]: You should join the council.
HpednI [3:22 P.M.]: NOW!
MsJessDramaQueen [3:22 P.M.]: make me
HpednI [3:22 P.M.]: ok fine *takes off pants*
HpednI [3:23 P.M.]: wait thats a gift >=(
if u join the council then I will do it
MsJessDramaQueen [3:23 P.M.]: ohhhhh thats cruel
MsJessDramaQueen [3:23 P.M.]: but i got self control
MsJessDramaQueen [3:23 P.M.]: i can hold myself back
HpednI [3:24 P.M.]: not with my teasing..
HpednI [3:24 P.M.]: *kisses lower stomach*
HpednI [3:24 P.M.]:
MsJessDramaQueen [3:24 P.M.]: *doesn't react*
HpednI [3:24 P.M.]: don't make me do that
MsJessDramaQueen [3:24 P.M.]: *just lays there*
HpednI [3:25 P.M.]: fine......*punches you in the mouth*
MsJessDramaQueen [3:25 P.M.]: ouch!
MsJessDramaQueen [3:25 P.M.]: that hurt
HpednI [3:25 P.M.]: now that you're back I have to ask one last question
MsJessDramaQueen [3:25 P.M.]: yessir
HpednI [3:26 P.M.]: If I told you I was really a girl how would you react
MsJessDramaQueen [3:26 P.M.]: I'd like it hehe
MsJessDramaQueen [3:26 P.M.]: girls are way more fun
HpednI [3:27 P.M.]: *RV gets erection again*

too bad I'm not *cries*
well I guess I should get back to looking through your window...nice shirt by the way
MsJessDramaQueen [3:27 P.M.]: thank you =)
HpednI [3:27 P.M.]: goodbye >=)
MsJessDramaQueen [3:27 P.M.]: goodbye
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