Thread: quick and real
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Old 07-12-05, 06:57 PM   #1
Stay out da snow,a blizzards coming
Posts: 171
From: STL
quick and real


inunderstandable,merely bi-standable,locked mandible/
my stomach lurches fo' mo' doe,no no,mo' flesh,must be a canible/
mechanically my own path i follow,feel like a tip gone hallow/
lost my father figga but still got plenty of bad rolemodels/
mixed signs,combined,like Danon's Fruit Fusions got me ilaligned/
still in mind,i got da urge to continue my grind/
wats yours is mine,nuthin is free,open ya eyes dont be blind/

a baby's cry for its mother,is stronger dan no other/
but da sweet sound is covered by da TV turned up and da rustlin of da covers/
wats real or phony,all dis a fragmentation of my imagination?/
the damn-nation of a badly led nation/
obituaries got da own space reserved in da post-dispatch(newspaper in STL)/
in a so called hard generation,act to soft and folks will label you a mismatch
re-atached,dis task, easily masked/
just like dat,wat you have to claim is snatched,no catch

so wat yall think give me some feed or sumthing
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