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Old 07-13-05, 09:43 PM   #1
Grave Digger
Posts: 127
From: Canada

but they were all garbage though, you were right, well some played, the grass is greener line was coo though, and the won't workout line, but anyways since you won't, i'll breakdown the verse myself.. *mumbles* asshole

Sir-pies (suprised) you fit in anything, fucking chubby toad
You'd rip me style? pshh... maybe if ya got in my wardrobe
Elastics as bracelets, shoe's with no lases, this cows poor? NO SHIT!
I'd say the grass is greener on the other side...
BUT, troop ate all of it!
decent concept but I coulda worded it better, no that good
C'mon mista pimp, aint been with the ladies, we know what your about
Last time a girl opened her window of oportunity...
It was to kick you out!
played as fuck
Make threads about "game" ROFL!!, your fat, and poor to
So it's safe to say your win won't workout.. kinda like you
decent punch but shitty wording, coulda been dope
I'm cold hearted like jack frost, your saggy tits... you drop soft
And.. this guy dosn't have gizzly lines, but he'll still bear a loss
played again
People predicted you'd win? Duke, I aint one to be trifled
So ya, even I would pick you!............. Out with my rifle
meh, wack

Werd to your hard mother.
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