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Old 07-15-05, 03:30 PM   #32
Sean Gunner
GG Haterz
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Posts: 6,387

Voted For: Mimesis

T is outta luck.. it's simple.. nobody likes you, just now seeing ya fucked
Cause you're only giving the "Ooohh," K.. when people agree that you suck
Lol. Nice wordplay on his name.
Stuck in punches.. fuck your crew.. you gettin more rep then you should
But you're giving ME a Reality Check?..
..Man, you still think that you're good!
Ehhh, some people might consider him good. So blah punch.
Everybody knows I could kill you.. just admit you got nothin on me
Now you're stating I suck?.. Then you must own a vaccuum company
Ok punch.
Watch me rip you.. Thinkin you can beat me? Ima just be winning fair
So just get your mind out the gutter.. right after you stop living there
Lol, decent punch.

Overall, not your best. Some of the lines were self glorification and hints of fake personals. Wordplay was good though.

K trin
47 wins eh?yeah,cause you be spewin like groups a queers in the grass
You farewells reminds me of geography class,cause all I hear is AT-Las!!!
Bad attempt at flipping his record. Bad punch.
Like trippin in the 100 meter embarrisin ya own race
Jewlery with ur intials imprinted s' how you get M-braced
Bad similie, bad punch.
His first bath in prison is only time he gets hoes/hose on him
&Memisis seems to be a bad smell cause nobody here nose him
Bad wordplay. Ruined your punch. Weak set up.

Overall, you tried to win on crappy wordplay. Work on making real punches and personals, not just wordplay. There is a difference.

My vote goes to Mimesis for real punches and personals. Trin's verse was mostly wordplay and no punches.

v- Mimesis

Originally Posted by Twisted Visions
50 nickle=less than 50 cent, go back to school you idiot
For Anyone Who Wants to Talk to Me

^^I think this explains my view on gangster rap perfectly.