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Old 07-15-05, 11:15 PM   #7
Poet's Daughter.
Dervla's Avatar
Posts: 360

I lay there patiently, thinking about this life I'm giving
He's curled up in my stomach, I can feel his kicking
Agony of pain, erupts in my stomach, And I say "Ouch"
I thank god for this little creature, that lays in my pouch
I started to sweat, feets kicking, and I starts to scream
Husband came in with a shock look. His tears weap
Holding my hand tightly, Laucious lips of his, on my cheek
I scream again and louder this time, felt the agony reek
With my eyes lids trying to stay open, I'm fainting away
Pair of my husband hand holding to me mine.."Please stay"

I woke up, heavily breathing, and hearing voices everywhere
Full of sweats, through clench teeths, breathing out despair
Agony still shuddered pain in my vagina, my 2 lungs hurt
Tightly Holding my husband hands, felt like an anal birth
Pushing Pushing, every time I breathe out, I start to quiver
Like an rose menapausing it opened up and it was finally over
An Naked human body came out of my stomach, wailing
I was Happy and relieved, Heavy salty tears came dragging
Looked in his eyes, my heart melted, like hot red candy
Fained right there, with my baby in my arms...sleeping

I woke up, sighted my baby in another women arms
With an Baffled expression as the women smile w/ a charm
In my head, Confused, I was heated mad "Give me my baby"
With an utter surprised the women didnt take no effort by thee
A paper was sighted infront of me with my hand signature on it
"Adoption", I started to shake, and say to myself "Please re-wind it"
The women walked away with my baby, I started to swing my fist
Choked on tears, As she walked away with god creation i been bliss with
I hear it cries out in the hall, I was devastated, and so broke into pieces
Tears Coursed down on my cheeks, With the cry still stuck in my head.
mystery Is a Freak!!

ITawAPuddyKat: Yeah, I guess. But I won't be a Lesbo for life.
Smartone Freal: oh so u DO have plans of turnin str8
ITawAPuddyKat: Well Yes, Yes I do.
Smartone Freal:
ITawAPuddyKat: Lol, all smiles aren't we? Lol
Smartone Freal: lol yea i cant hide what i think bout u
Smartone Freal:
ITawAPuddyKat: ...Oh, what DO you think about me? Lol
Smartone Freal: lol sorry thats private
ITawAPuddyKat: EWWWWWWW..*Sigged*
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