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Old 07-18-05, 07:30 PM   #14
Posts: 6,178

Voted For: Frank~Castle

Look this battle was DAYMN weak. fuck it i ain't even gonna sugar coat it or nothin....
both of you need to elevate a whole lot. Vocab in this battle was less than basic and there were no clever punches. I don't think i could see any metas, but correct me if im wrong by all means...
I think Frank got this one because firstly his structure was ahole lot better and this made his flow easier to read than the other guy. Even though he only had one personal, it was the only personal in the entire battle.....

Let me break down the verses cos i know how people like any excuse to get a vote removed....


You wanted ta battle,For you Today's hopeless!
Im like Visine with tha spit,You need me ta STAY FOCUS!

^^weak as hell but only personal in the battle 2/10

Im attrocious tah roaches,sprayin whom ever is closes.
While you just smoke an mirrors,Just a bunch ah Hocus Pocus!

^^Self glorification with a weak punchline.dull. 2/10

Your skills are bogus,they dont appear like Its me verses ah Ghost.
An the only time you where above Number 1 is when you made your first post!

^^^if you made your first post that would be number 1 and not above it. think before you write. 1/10

I know it hurts close...cuz my lines kill like stress can!!
Hey!,you might be married ta the game but Im always the best~MAN!

^^^self glorification.0/10

Let me Load up the clip like ah movie an show you the best part!
An this battle is short,cuz your lines are so long they got stretch marks!

^^^weak closer.2/10

7/50 - below average verse....


Cat I’m like a “boiled egg” in the morning –“hard to beat”
You like a “marathon runner” with bad shoes need to deal with” de- feet” (Defeat)

^^^1st line's self glorification. and i swear i've heard a similar line about defeat before but delivered with more of a punch.suspect line so 1/10

Cat your lines “dull” they need “sharpness”
So stop writing with a broken “pencil” is “pointless”

^^^poorer than poor diss and sharpness and pointless don't even rhyme.1/10

My lines are like an “elephant's thought” they carry a lot of “weight”
Cat you’ve lost this battle it not your fault its fate/

^^^first line's self glorification....why do it in a battle? Weak punchline 1/10

So cat don’t run you mouth like u great/
I know u aint nothing but a fool/
Cause like x-ray technician I see right through you

^^^why is your verse 4 1/2 bars long. you shoulda kept it at an even number of lines but w/e these last three lines where still poor...1/10

well it's not hard to work out who i thought had the better verse.but as i said before both of you lot better up your game.
