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Old 07-19-05, 06:03 AM   #186
Middle Weight
Posts: 1,381

Originally Posted by Triple_N
WOW talk about missing the point....the whole point was we were STRIPPED OF IT.....we didn't move here willingly an adapt american customs....american customs was forced upon far as going back to africa an seeing the old is a CONTINENT full of many different countries an cultures.....I do not know which my ancestors belonged too.....cuz we as a people have lost our history.....Jews still have their history, is the jewish race u protecting right now older than 400 years old? why haven't your customs been lost? by your logic you aint jewish, the culture is too old, dats ya ancestors culture, right?STFU....other cultures have been passed down from generation to generation each link to the next adding their piece an giving it to the next....our link was broken......your lil roman analogy is irrevelant as well as your whole comment...fact remains....your heritage still lives

i never fuckin said i was jeish first off, second, u are all the most unedcuated about this topic, yet u jump on me when i know about it. africans enslaved themselves long before white even got there. when the white traders came to africa, they were offered by the cheiftan, slaves. so in turn the cheiftans got money and they gave away some of their slaves. ur ppl that u came from africa had already been slaves before whites got there. and sionce africans didnt write their history down, scholars dont know how long africans have been slaves, hell it could b thousands of years. point here is, ur ppl were already slaves to ur cheiftans and were shackled up, the white traders from the ships bought them. we didnt jus coem there conquer and take u. whites arent responsible for slavery blacks are because the cheifs started enslaving africans
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