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Old 07-19-05, 07:46 AM   #191
~Lady Fiya~
~*Duchess of Metaphors*~
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Posts: 4,458
From: chi-town


cry me a river.. i get labeled a terrorist you don't see me bitching bout it.. thousand years from now... blacks will be bitching still about slavery... IT HAPPENED SWEET... i hope your people are stronger because of it...the jews had the holocaust you don't see them bringing it up in EVERY CONVERSATION THAT HAS TO DEAL WITH RACE (since they were white)....

actually i'd pick who ever was better qualified for the spot...yes racism is a part of society but still makes me what to barf..


Turban you can't be serious... me and you had a conversation on AIM did i once bring up anything about slavery? I mean seriously... You judging a whole race over what some people may do.. That's like me saying every white person is racist because a group of them called me a nigger... Yeah, that's not true.

If schools stress about slavery and letting everyone know about slavery, then fuck what you say, it's important. It's part of history, so just take it in, or act like it didn't happen.

Black people know the stories of what happened and we are taught not to forget them (well many are).

[This is from my own experience.]
Picture yourself being in an school (Naperville Central High School) with a population of 84% white people, 13% Asians and Indians, and the rest being black and hispanic. There was maybe 25 black people in that big ass school. 7 were Seniors when i moved there, including me, Candice Parker (my homie), Tiffany Hudson, LeAndra and 3 other people. And that was one of the top schools in IL ask ANYBODY. Matter of fact it is the top, but anyways, all teachers were white and the ones i had were straight racist. In history class, when we talked about the slavery, I would have to get up and leave. Not because some people were racist in my class, but I was the only black person in my AP Government class and our purpose was to debate. And people were debating the 'n' word... we just went completely off topic and were stuck on the 'n' word. I told my teacher that i don't feel comfortable talking bout shit like that, and that I wouldn't want to get participation points taking off because I wasn't about to argue with a class full of white people about why we (notice i said WE) shouldn't use the 'n' word, and for me to not say the 'h' word in defense. How would you feel? And my teacher told me, he had everything under control but he was racist himself, so i attempted to switch classes, but ended up staying because I wanted to prove to him that I could ace his class just like anyone else. I would ask a question and he'll tell me to think about it, but then i would tell someone to ask the same question that was white and he'd answer it. So I wouldn't ask questions, and I passed that bitch's class with an A- with NO help whatsoever. And he thought it was a miracle from God, that I passed his class with a higher grade than most of the students. My AP Chem teacher was the same exact way, but people like that won't make me call every white person racist. It's an individual matter, so don't tell no black person especially me anything about someone being too sensitive about people saying, nigger freely. I got plenty of stories, let's not go there. I went from city to city and suburb to suburb and yes there is a difference in schools just like Diabolic said.
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