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Old 07-19-05, 02:41 PM   #204
Whys That?
Posts: 2,007

Originally Posted by Turban.
smartest thing said today.. wow you impress me with your deep and intelligent responses...go away you havent said anything to help with the conversation except talk about a utopia that will never happpen

Are you seriously that brainless?

Originally Posted by Ysdat
white people in general dont really stand on solid belifs.... most seem to not have a knowledge for there heritige or even were they originated...most simply say "european". other cultures/race's stand strong on there heritige belifs and religion, therefore they have reason for bringing up the past and using signifigant happenings to plant there foundation on grow there roots in and branch off in this world.

but if the "white man" who dont really belive shit keeps tryna downgrade there heritige obviously people are gonna stir up shit,cuss and end up saying "fuck you"

The N word is part of african/african american history. why forget history? The word was originited from hate.....Why not proper a race for turning negitive to positive and starting to create a life for there future youth who untill 1900/2000 have been treated like they are not apart of our world.

fuck stereo typing one group of people... its our world....our meaning every single person born into this planet.


Weres the utopia in that? you simple minded,a idiot, a racist peice a shit.

You were banned for cheating, do you want to be banned for rasicm?
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