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Old 07-20-05, 12:03 AM   #1
the omen
tha illest
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Posts: 1,707
From: VA
rate your fort!!!! FUNNESS!!!!


aight, this is absolutely retarded, but i know every1 had those times as a kid where u stretch out ya couch get some pillows n blankets n make ur own little fort to chill in... some happy memories lol... i bring this up cuz last night i was chillin with sum pplz at this big ass mansion house that my friend was housesitting at, and we got a GREAT idea, lets take out these gym mats prop them up make "Cubicle" and throw some blankets over top that bad boy n blaze in it!!!! yeaaaaaa! so yea we made a 4 seater, the inside looked like a spaceship so me n my boy had to make "captain chairs" pilot to co-pilot theres a bunch of smoke flyin n im so high i might choke if i go by it....

but yea, thats my story, i went to sleep in the fort and woke up on the stairs on the third level, hmmm musta installed some sort of teleportation device...

n e ways rate our forts! tell a story of your ill ones! wooo another hair raising thread!
best Audio Head May- the Omen*

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