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Old 07-20-05, 07:49 PM   #4
G Deuce
Artist, that simple
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Posts: 1,545
From: The Underworld

Pretty good track, but heres what you could work on..........

The Chorus - it would sound better if the echo wasn't on your voice, and it sounds more like your spitting farther away from the mic, instead of enhancing the meaning of your words. Cause its hard to tell what your saying......The timing of "if you can see me now" was a little off on the chorus, and at the very very end.

Verses - The story that you told was very well thoughout, and very percise. The book smart line was my favorite line. To improve, there were many lines that seemed that you tried to stretch the beginning of to keep your flow. Instead of that, add another word if you feel that your stretching, it keeps your flow consistant.

Quality - Really good, except for the parts that i pointed out before....Keep up the good work man, just work on it.....

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