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Old 07-21-05, 02:43 AM   #1
You Love My Style.
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Posts: 4,598
Intellectual Ads (HELP)


We got a lil project about ads in general. Is due 2morrow....

I just came back from i need help.

Format: Industry Standard/Creative

Refference Page: We dont need to cite our sources, but we do need to provide complete citation of the materials we use to assist in our process.

Optional, but encouraged. Describtion of what the image would be if you're unable to create or otherwise provide it.

What teachers look for:

1- Original Ideas
Evidence of Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
3-More Than Just A Headline, She wants a copy like a short script (Story board)

4-Audience Awareness
5-Persuasive Strategies
6- Error Free Copy.

I will apreciate your help.


Originally Posted by Mother Theresa
"Hi Key, You The Only Guy Who Took My Virginity."

Authentik Intelligence
O. Y. D.

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