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Old 07-22-05, 02:38 PM   #3
Porn identity
Porn identity's Avatar
Posts: 165

you kick no wit. what makes you think you'll win? bitch just quit.
but on the real kid. i'll take you under my wing - since thats where the propellor is.
oh, you're bad to the bone? well then you must be wack to the core.
i won't go facial. & call you pig ugly just to hint you're a bore/boar.
when i swing you'll slam the deck. i'll end your battle cry w/ a kleenex.
have you seeing stars. you don't want war? make do like boba & jet.
o can't fend. so 5 - 0 inevitably is how this story will end.
& send you from ashes to ashes - like this threads a crematorium.

i'm not going to explain. so don't get it? don't vote..
lmao @ me..
..being better than you.
current battles

damn. kids really don't get anything these days.