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Old 07-22-05, 07:44 PM   #13
Posts: 6,178

i see what turban's saying.

it seems that once again mankinds understanding of nature around us and it's nature is too limited to comprehend certain things so we find the easiest, most convenient way of explaining things. That's where religion comes into things. They use this as a method of answering questions, religions their technical scapegoat...

as in to say......example:

if we take a look at those people who were in the right place at the right time to avoid being killed in the world trade centre, a non religious man would say it's down to the circumstances, but the religious man wants to look deeper into it without being able to accept the concept of co-incidence because his perception of life's clouded by his faith, and he'll therefore try and say God saved him....

Faith can't create something that isn't just means you're hoping there is
(^^^siggable quote lol)

For example you can have blind faith that one day you'll win the lottery and end up playing it every week hoping that you will win, and maybe you won't maybe just maybe having faith in winning is just a waste of time and you just have to get on with your life.
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The only thing with religion is that no one's brave enough to openly speak of their doubts about religion...........
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the funny thing about religion is that back in ancient times the greeks, romans, egyptians and other ancient civilisations had their countless Gods to explain concepts they didn't understand but we can look back and be able to explain the things that ancient civilisations weren't able to.......

So how do we know that in the future, mankind will hold the answers to the things that we don't currently understand and so use God as an answer to...............
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