Thread: What if...
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Old 07-23-05, 02:38 AM   #3
Peace, Love, Unity
Posts: 5,455

lemme show you the convo.... my idea owns anything.

TheKItotheRK: man, if zombies took over the earth
TheKItotheRK: i'd sruvive
TheKItotheRK: i know exactly how
ACE 151 Slayer: me too
ACE 151 Slayer: live on an island.
TheKItotheRK: but you'd still have to get there
TheKItotheRK: and i know how
TheKItotheRK: make a giant box of plywood
TheKItotheRK: like 10 plysheets thicks
TheKItotheRK: thick*
ACE 151 Slayer: and surf it?
TheKItotheRK: make it big enough for enough people to be inside it and push it
TheKItotheRK: and have no bottom on it right
ACE 151 Slayer: youd sink
ACE 151 Slayer: the fuck down into the water
TheKItotheRK: nah man, this is like on the street
TheKItotheRK: looking at the box straight is like this
ACE 151 Slayer: ahhh
TheKItotheRK: and you know if there was enough zombies they could like flip it
TheKItotheRK: so what you do is
TheKItotheRK: so its like on the ground
TheKItotheRK: then sand it down so ou can't get your fingers under it
TheKItotheRK: play it with metal
TheKItotheRK: and this part is the shit right here
TheKItotheRK: get a car battery
TheKItotheRK: and like if you're covered in them and can't push
TheKItotheRK: make a peice of metal somewhere you can hook the battery to
TheKItotheRK: then electricute the fuckers
ACE 151 Slayer: dude
ACE 151 Slayer: i like it.
TheKItotheRK: fuckin genius right
ACE 151 Slayer: im comin to delmar if i ever get attcked.
ACE 151 Slayer: very genius
ACE 151 Slayer: how did you think i up
TheKItotheRK: i just now did
TheKItotheRK: idk
TheKItotheRK: i was thinkinlike "they could break through wood, metal plate it, oh shit, then electrcute"
TheKItotheRK: then make something on the top
TheKItotheRK: like a peroscope
ACE 151 Slayer: lmfao
ACE 151 Slayer: lmfoa
ACE 151 Slayer: lmfao
ACE 151 Slayer: hahaahahahhaahh
TheKItotheRK: so if it ever happens, ima call a few people up and go rob the fuck outta lowes
TheKItotheRK: haha
TheKItotheRK: and a hatch on the top too
TheKItotheRK: so you can get on top
TheKItotheRK: and harpoons to throw at them
TheKItotheRK: hahaha
TheKItotheRK: fuck guns though, i'd be more like, inspired to jump into a crowd of them with a sword
ACE 151 Slayer: lmfao
ACE 151 Slayer: harpoons and swords
ACE 151 Slayer: eyah
ACE 151 Slayer: i like swords
ACE 151 Slayer: over guns
ACE 151 Slayer: i mean there zombies dude
ACE 151 Slayer: swords, will just own
ACE 151 Slayer: ninja swords.
TheKItotheRK: i know, it'd be more fun too
TheKItotheRK: and i'd go pick all the bitches up
TheKItotheRK: and repopulate
TheKItotheRK: fire is shit though
TheKItotheRK: it doesn't do anything to zombies
TheKItotheRK: except make them run towards your ass
TheKItotheRK: so i'd like, get my homies, make that thing
TheKItotheRK: then wehenver we needed food
TheKItotheRK: you and me would be like "down peroscope"
TheKItotheRK: and see if anything is out there
TheKItotheRK: grab our swords and go to food lion


88 miles per hour should do it.
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