Thread: ***fast***
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Old 07-24-05, 11:04 AM   #1
Light Weight
SoLe's Avatar
Posts: 239


Fast fast
My spedometer rises with my foot pressing down
I can hear the v6 engine pick up speed
And feel the horsepower run through my blood stream
The seat jerks back hard with my shoulders
Accelerating faster not caring if I get pulled over
I don't wanna be sober
Drugs- the answer to my problems
So I'm wishing I had some weed and rollers
Fast fast
My heart beat moves faster with the car and my thoughts
70..72, 75..78, 80, 85, 90, 95....
Levittown, Bristol 139, passing exits so quick
In and out of lanes to release my aggression
Tension is building, but my foot stays pressin
I'm on the off ramp and I still won't let up on the pedal
105 miles per hour.... 5 seconds before the red light
My mind is racing, just like my car
Because the thought of you with him...
Leaves my heart with a permanent scar
Just like death will leave on my life when that semi hits me hard.

just venting....never fall in love

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