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Old 07-28-05, 09:56 PM   #72
.The Movement.
Posts: 1,162
From: Valhalla

i have a lot of thoughts on this issue, some of which have already been posted in other threads. here are my thoughts on the matter:

- "god" is a theory of creation, but by the same theory there would have to be a more powerful being to create god, and an endless line of increasingly powerful gods to create the next- the theory contradicts itself, and therefore isn't true
- what is god's motive for creating the universe?- the theory that god just decided to create people and when they die they will go to another world made by him for souls does not explain itself, there is no reason to make life, end life, and continue it- the only way for this to make sense is if mankind, and all life, is really being used for something more important, that somehow, our existence is tied to the "real" world that our creator is a part of. of course, the existence of that world is also unexplained...
- the world is too random to have been carefully planned by an all-knowing being. if god had decided to make life for some reason, why only on a handful (or possibly only one) of the millions of planets that he created- and why make the others unsuitable for life?
- if god really did interfere with our world at one point (the explanation for the "prophets" that gave us all we know about god), why doesnt he/she/it continue to guide us (physically, not in our mind, as many religions claim) in the path that we are meant to follow. and why not interfere sooner?
- the story of creation would be guessed at by anyone who didnt know. as this thread proves, humans are too curious about the mysteries of life to be satisfied without answers. in ancient civilizations, with no advanced science or communication, it makes sense that creation stories are passed down among generations, and eventually become religion. after all, many different cultures and religions have been made, all of them cite proof of the miracles that can be worked by their god(s). these stories are likely to gain a following- people in hard times would love to know that there is a life after this one where they will live eternally without the everyday struggles that they experience on earth. this gives hope, and people who lead lives without hope are eager to embrace it.
- science has given, and continues to give, explanations of phenomenons once described as miracles. theories about creation, which cannot be proven, but only explained, fail to convince a society that has always believed in a god. few people want to, or are able to believe that their explanation of life, their moral compass, and their hope for immortality was merely a story. naturally, they demand proof- proof which, like the theories of religion, cannot be proven. religion is the one surviving story, an unbased explanation, that cannot be proven wrong by science. no matter how much the theories make sense, they are no more proven than the miracles described in holy scriptures, and much less optimistic. it is hard for people to give up on their hope on a mere theory.

as you can tell, i don't believe in god. i really don't mind if people do- not being devoted to a religion, i have no theories that people who dont believe what i do are eternally condemned to suffer. to me this makes sense- to many other people, it probably won't. i just hope that religious devotion will not inspire any of you towards violence, or towards hate. that is not the principle that it i based upon. if it helps to morally guide mankind, then maybe, whether it is true or not, religion is helpful.
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