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Old 07-29-05, 08:10 PM   #2
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Posts: 1,186
From: Trinidad
IP: Any Lil’ Romeo aspirations for him? Or rather, would you even encourage him to follow in a similar path as you have taken?

Royce Da 5’9”: You know, I’m gonna encourage anything like that, because you never know what your child can do. My father swore I wasn’t a rapper. “You chasing a dream! You chasing a dream!” Nah. Now look at it. It wouldn’t have mattered if he supported me or he didn’t support me ‘cause I was gonna do what I wanted to do anyway. But, who’s to say Royce would be that rebellious. Anything that he feels he can do, I’m pretty much gonna support him. I’d like to see him box right now. He real good with his hands. Oh yeah? Are you heavy on boxing?

Royce Da 5’9”: Huge boxing fan! The only reason why you don’t see me at a lot of fights in those seats where you see the stars at is because I can’t afford them. When I’m able to, you’ll see me there! [laughs] Alright, last thing, you just released this album. So, what makes you happy with your career at the end of the day? What gives you the greatest satisfaction?

Royce Da 5’9”: Accomplishing things and just not doing a lot of sitting around. Like, coming from the studio, something’s complete, that’s what satisfies me. It’s just like day-to-day things because that’s the s**t that you got to do to get to the big goal. So, the little things day-to-day that add up, they add up to the big things, so I get satisfaction out of completing every little thing.
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