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Old 08-01-05, 05:40 PM   #5
Daubs's Avatar
Posts: 10,604
From: Salford

You couldnt be head over heels above me if u were named pipe-dream..
And un-fucks verses dont frighten me when i say bennys make I scream.. (ice cream)
Damn man your cool, like i been fuckin with the fridge-cable..
Im swimming with the big fish, unfuck still aint even width-able..
The only way un-fucks nasty and mean, is when we mention his breath..
And I aint talking chess terms when I leave his reality checked..
Your talented?, keep bendin the truth,its time he got his facts-straight..
And you got straight fire, even your sig replaces you for an ash-tray!!
Ima take out all your foe, shouldnt be difficult, you only have two-friends..
And you "rep uk to the fullest", yet your names intimate with the U.N..

If needed:

Bar 1: Pipedream is like half pipes n shit & His address is > Bennys is an ice cream place, click.
Bar 2: Swimming widths and name play.
Bar 3: Rippin on his crew
Bar 4: Check his gorrillaz sig
Bar 5: UN-Fuck, get it?

Dont get anything else, dont vote or pm me!!