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Old 08-02-05, 05:54 PM   #15
El Padrino
TitoBronsky's Avatar
Posts: 3,906
From: Rotten Apple

ALPHA AND OMEGA............. first and last....................

There are things our mortal minds simply can not grasp.......... and the concept of God and how he came to be is one of them......... to humans....... everything has to have a begining and an end........ and everything has to be clear cut and dry........ but God....... he operates on a different plane of existence where time and history dont have either one of those things........ God always was and always will be...... before us....... before everything..... there was God.......... dont bother asking the question....... before God???????? cuz there is no answer for that............ just like asking how long does space go on for............... to us it has to end some where right???? doesnt it just boggle your mind even trying to reach a conclusion on the depth of space??????????? Its infinate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we cant understand that!!!!!!!!! so rather than try to validate our existence through a big bang......... understand that its much simpler than science....... we came to be through love........ a love greater than ourselves........ and powerful enough to conquer death......... feel me?..........

God is forever....... Alpha and Omega......... b4 creation there was God......... just accept that........ cuz theres no way Humans crawled out of some primordial oozze and sprouted hands feet and brains......... its deeper than that............


Full Metal Bronsky Dropin 1st Quarter 08'

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