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Old 08-04-05, 04:21 AM   #10
Bann The Deed NOT The Breed
Willa's Avatar
Posts: 5,114

ok how is there a foot print left from a mans weight yet no impression of wj\here a rocket landed?
how is a flag waving where theres no wind?
y didnt they let the astronaunts talk?
how did they take perfect pictures when the cameras were on there stomachs did they jump up ever time
their gloves were thick how did they press the button
how did arnstrong test an aircraft crash it and then less than a week later fly it perfectly into and out of space
y is there light all over?
y does one of the moon craters have the same exact diameter as a hole in area 51 when they did satelite images?
when u speed up the fotage 1.5 times theyre walking whats up with that?
so whats the evidence of it being true a bunch of ppl who u think are more intelligent than u telling u what happened and what u leared?

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