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Old 08-04-05, 11:27 AM   #14
Tha Q.
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Posts: 10,036

Originally Posted by L. Veracity
definetly, I'm not at all a fan of golf...I watch sports most people don't though...

gymnastics, ice skating, stuff like that dat not everyone can do but is in constant golf they hit the ball (whi IS the hardest thing to do and fooking WALK after it...

it's tough to make contact with a golf ball's not as easy as it me

even professional golfers misstrike the ball occasionally...and they are the's very frustrating because a slight change in the way u hold the club or position ur feet can create an entirely different shot

so u have to constant watch all those variables

Plus...aside from Pool...its the only sport where the ball is NOT in motion when u "hit it"...feel me...and that also makes it tougher to control ur swing thoughts and actions
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