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Old 08-05-05, 02:50 PM   #23
Banned: Cheating
taz's Avatar
Posts: 413
From: Quincy

Voted For: VISION


yo quit tryin to be Raven,you can't see in da future/
'member Ray Charles and Stevie are ya muses/
^NO, doesnt rhyme nor duz it go together^
haha,dis amuses me,lol,you make me laugh/
i can see ahead of time though when i hit da blunt to fast/
^no punches here basic rhyming^
yo head to da doc,have ya eyes checked out/
cuz i want you to be able to read da bars im tossin out/
^Rhymed the same word twice...not a punch at all^
ouch!dat right must be like a stab to ya eye/
in ya sig,dat skull resembles ya face,its in ya eye/
^rhymed the same word twice this time u gave half a punch^
dis is so obvisous,anyone could see it/
how you gone have a name like vision,but ya loss you couldn't see it/
^Once again rhymed the same word twice.....a full punch, nice ending^


You've got the wrong kind of RIME/Rhyme
and now you're Frozen in time,
but that heat that VISION speaks
will defrost you're behind.
^Good opener weak punch though...multis are good^
You stumbled across a lyrical boss mr.frost,
or should i say frosty u softy, take a loss.
^Good nice multis and sharp punch right there^
This wanna b stepped in front of me,
now it's slushies on the house.
he ain't talkin no more.
I put a lid on his mouth.
^ok multis.....good punch ^

With this sick,twisted,verbalistic rhyming device.
think twice, i'm precise
and you're slippin on ice.
^Crazy multis ok punch excellent finis^


Please vote on the battle in my sig