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Old 08-05-05, 02:59 PM   #4
Odi et Amo
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Posts: 3,675
From: Alosta City

…Nothing is ever what it seems…

While I risk my life fighting fascist regimes and seeking extremes
My daughter’s uttering screams because of ongoing bad dreams
I’m leading a hectic double life: undercover cop, mother and wife
One day I slice bread with a knife, the other I use it to end strife
But she cannot understand why mommy does things unplanned
And it gets harder to stand how she always pulls away her hand
Since it’s hard for her to grasp that every person wears a mask
All these questions she would ask when I’m here to fulfill a task
Sometimes I think about giving it all up and that I’ve had enough
But I know it’s all bluff cause I’m back at it when stuff gets rough
And the danger of it all is becoming a stranger in a rise and fall
Crash my head into brick wall for such camouflage can enthrall

…Everyone wears a mask…

Aren’t we naïve to still believe in things we think we can perceive?
When we are oh so easily deceived and illusions is all we receive
Tricks played, putting up a masquerade as the truth slowly fades
In many different shades that hold more sly games than arcades
How can I still have trust when loyalty is just as stable as dust?
‘Cause lust now replaced love as a must, filling me with disgust
I’m looking into people’s eyes to see what’s behind the disguise
But all I seem to find are lies that arise as our society’s demise

Authentik Intelligence

...The future is mine...

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