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Old 08-05-05, 07:16 PM   #4
Posts: 475
From: out an' about

this dudes a clown with rhymes, and RV is the jerk's stage
im not talking bout killing time, when im about to merk age
whats this bout good days? cause i see free agent, that says alot
oh wait, having bad're just talking bout whenever you drop
so what? im beating this kid, i dont need to be bringing reasons
cause i'll spring to make this bitch fall quicker than skipping seasons
this kid even insults himself, wow, how could ya be that dumb
even he knows he doesn't have skill.....just look where he's from
4-0 eh, hope you were playing around, cause those 4 were all no game
but i'll ruin that record faster that trashing the hall of fame
1. easy
2. sig says free agent, title says Anyday above ground......Is a good your case....get ready 4 a bad day
3. easy
4. location says: Chicago......home of............? shit I don't know
5. easy

i'm putting all this in, just incase he changes shit, don't know how you roll, but some bitches like to try and get any advantage they can.

word, gl mate.
don't try....just STFU
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