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Old 08-06-05, 02:28 PM   #1
New to RV
Posts: 8

I am way too good for this dude
Me, come on, I have been doing this for years
I think I need greater challenges now
I get the same washed up, outdated rookies to go against
This is just too easy, or maybe it is just me
When you are this good, everything below you seems so insignificant
Do not get me wrong though
I am not arrogrant, for I worked really hard to reach this level
Longs nights, early mornings, middays, afternoons and evenings...
Definitely, if there is one thing you learn from me, if you want it, you must work for it...
Have fun too, for if this was not fun, it would not be my vibe. I would have done otherwise
Gone other places... Did something else
But I have always been very good at sports, it is in my blood...
Got that from my moms who use to watch everything I did before she died...
Now, that she is gone, I still want to make sure she is proud of me...
And that my wife and my daughter is also proud of me...
I am about to take this to the next level...
Hope you enjoy the show...
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