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Old 08-07-05, 03:29 PM   #21
Business Not Personal
MiSk's Avatar
Posts: 678
From: North East

Ya Lame, they'll never Cheer U, so figure that out like an Equation
Or you can do another play on my name for an Ovation (Innovation)
No Show Hoe, You being the best is like hearing Mime a Scream
Bitch you suck the Gunpowder off shell casings in Crime Scenes
Where'd you get them gay sites? kid ...... just keep your Dick On
Please refrain from dropping links only The Q would seek to Click On
Speaking Slander on my name is something that you had better not do
I'll Slap you so hard you'll flinch when someone says the Weathers "Hot"
^^^ ya best bars which is pretty much yur whole verse... ya came really hard with yur punches, some had humor to them which makes them better... good meta's and good wordplay... this was a close battle but ya got my vote cuz ya verse was a little bit harder

And u'll say u were the greatest, but u get blamed for everythin goin on
So Hot's only the GOAT wen we e-scape to him for all thats goin wrong
Hot gets smacked up lyrically, treat u like wat u are and do this bitterly
Cuz i always thought hotshh was a bitch, but didnt know it was literally
And u show off no show titles like ur makin it big, but wat'll happen see
Is that youll get alittle buzz on the site only to find out that ur Rapper B
^^^^ yur best bars.... dont get me wrong man yur verse was good but just wasnt hard as hotshh... that "literally" bar was funny as hell!... but that hotdog/ketchup/relish bar, i wasnt feelin... no hate man just felt that hotshh came harder

There's a lot of talk about whos the hottest, to be honest
hip-hop aint been the same since Tupac moved to Cuba on us!