Thread: Ask Indeph
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Old 08-07-05, 07:51 PM   #75
Posts: 6,909
From: Chicago, IL

Here's a question: If you had a choice, would you have someone kill you or your mother? No getting out of it. You have to choose one. And if not your mother, someone you really love, like your dad, sister, grandma, grandpa, family, really close friends, penis.

Morality questions show nothing.But I would die since I'm a very suicidial person.

so is the bible truth, or is it merely a passageway to viewing the world in a more positive aura.

Its not truth its stories. Its just liek the boy who cried wolf. Just teaching you.

Can you smell what The Rock is cookin???
By that if you mean do I understand you then yes. I know all.

What will happen to RV in the future????

The future is any time foward from now.So please ask a more specific question.
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