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Old 08-09-05, 10:55 AM   #14
New to RV
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Posts: 9

I can't stand Chris Rock. He's too loud and forces his jokes. Nobody laughs at his jokes so he screams into the mic and then everyone starts laughin'. He's corny as hell. Dave Chapelle and Martin Lawrence are a lot funnier than him.
Remorse is part of the soul. I was Chosen not to have one.

You act hard but we all know that you STOP-FOR-LOVE/
You can't pull the trigger like holdin' guns with BOXIN'-GLOVES/

I'll strike-with-the-hype and slice in the night-with-a-knife/
Let's see how nice-you-can-write when Chosen cypher's-your-life/

"The TOP TEN become NINE DEAD if I ever decide to HOP IN..." - Canibus
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