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Old 08-09-05, 04:31 PM   #26
Mel Tingpoint
Middle Weight
Posts: 452
From: detroit

Voted For: Pressence

battling nobody but herbs,yet,he still tryna be sweating-it-complementary
he thinking his record "I'm-press"(impress),like he's gettin-it-missionary
cause wat real emcee would go about repping some Chinese-faggot?
he looks riddick-u-lust,like Vin Diesel's bald head,while hacking-it***
he scared to put shit in his profile,shook,like I perscribing-his-doc.
MC:Philospher don't be-long,and I ain't just describing-his-cock



v/Pressence... he had a better verse, at least he tried, MC:Philosopher acronyms are wack, unless you writing a poem or sumthin', just elevate man

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