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Old 08-09-05, 08:26 PM   #1
Posts: 6,909
From: Chicago, IL
Theoretical Superiority.


I'm telling everyone this now, superior is an oppinion. Not even intellegence can make you "better" then someone. Why does everyone search for ways to feel superior constantly? I see it here all day. Race is constantly used and age too. If we all would just except that people are different we wouldn't stress to change ourselves would we? I don't see why you must critisise for something that's their choice. Like sexual preferense for one. Why would you hate someone for being gay? Do you want everyone to be exactly the same? Its our differences that define identity. "Flaws" don't exsist. For race I see everyone defining race as personality. I know some idiot is gonna come in here and say "well not all black people do this but some..." shut the fuck up. You should just say people. Is it easier to complain about a more narrowed catogory then people in general? If you're white you're not better then anyone else. And If you're black that doesn't make you stronger or a better rapper. I'm black and my favorite rapper is eminem currently. Qualities just define character they show nothing of value. If everyone would use this logic we wouldn't need to have people making "wigga" and "black people piss me off threads. Fuck it I was just making a point, you don't gotta agree or even think there's a point.Since you proabably didn't read it all anyway knowing RV.
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