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Old 08-12-05, 11:13 AM   #2
Rastafari Walk Tall
Acuity's Avatar
Posts: 4,527
From: East London, (Hackney)


beat is it a green sleeves sample???...time ta hear wetha htis label aiight or not....listening to this 1st Mc..he nice..lyrics r decent not spectacular but decent, im feelin his flow n delevery fo sho...NNN was rigth ima bomp dis n blaze up blud...2 much of echo effect on his echoes in a bit of it...aiight hers Omen...likin da vocal sound...sounds like you stoppin n startin a lil man, not as fluid as usual...lyrics r decent, delivery is real waitin 4 a punchline damnit..."cant 'see' greatrer profits even iff u was nostradamus wid cash or sumin" nice concept, "make da h8ers fall like august" HOLLA...just realised da hook is a hook,its aiight needs a lil panning etc

this was str8 4sho...probs sound real nice if u studio record it..DLOADIN TO IPOD NOW BITCH

EDIT : dloaded mp3 ....quality is real nice...fucka sclick 4 messin wid ur levels

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